The following videos offer guidance, support, information and gentle exercises to help you manage your Long Covid symptoms. Listen and participate with these videos as much as you are able to. Feel free to take a break and return at a later time.
Scroll through our videos to find something that suits you, or alternatively follow our shortcuts to topics of interest.
Singing, Relaxation, Light Exercise, Sleep and Nutritional Advice, Respiratory Physio, Voice and Swallowing & Returning to Work.
How Can Singing Help Me?
Julie Harvey explains why singing helps with many of the symptoms of Long Covid.
Lowering the Breath in the Body
Julie Harvey guides us through noticing how we breathe and how to use our abdominal muscles to breathe more efficiently.
Pacing with Pitch
Julie Harvey sings a song that helps with both pacing the breath and pitching the voice.
A song to Help with Pacing Breath - Great Day
Julie Harvey teaches us an uplifting song and uses the lyrics to help with pacing the breath. Learning a song is helpful for brain fog and adding some light movement helps with energy.
Managing Your Breathing after Covid
Wendy White highlights the various symptoms linked to Long Covid and explains how retraining to use low, slow nasal breathing can help alleviate symptoms.
Low Slow Breathing
In this video Wendy guides us through the techniques of low, slow nasal breathing and how to practice it in different day to day situations.
A Gentle Introduction to Pilates
Jan Murray demonstrates how to use breathing to help us with movement and stability in these gentle Pilates exercises.
A Gentle Introduction to Yoga
Lesley Cherry shows us how to listen to our bodies for any tension, and to our breathing to help us synchronise movement and breath. Listening to our breathing helps to build strength.
Improving Sleep and Nutrition
Anne Ritchie guides us through a good sleep routine and healthy eating. Eating and sleeping well helps maintain energy levels, clears the mind of fog, and improves general wellbeing.
Mindfulness to Help with Anxiety and Stress
Anne Ritchie guides us through helpful mindfulness strategies to aid relaxation, reduce anxiety and clear the mind.
Seated Relaxation Routine
Fiona MacDonald guides us through an exercise to help release tensions from our body, beginning and ending with focused, gentle low, slow breathing.
Help with Voice Problems
Annabel Colquhoun speaks about voice and its variability if you are living with covid. She offers some useful tips to help with your voice.
Help with Swallowing Problems
Fiona Young guides us through some specific techniques and tips to help with swallowing, eating and drinking.
Returning to Work
Suzanne Crichton guides us through returning to work with Long Covid and ways of maintaining a good work/health balance.